Real World Assets

Real world assets (RWA) represent the dawn of a new era in finance, empowered by blockchain technology. With trustless value distribution and tokenization unlocking unprecedented liquidity and efficiency, RWA marks a transformative leap from physical to digital assets, revolutionizing traditional markets with transparency and agility.

What are RWAs?

Real world assets are at the forefront of an emerging ecosystem, rapidly evolving within the realm of on-chain assets. This evolution is characterized by the fusion of institutional DeFi infrastructure and digital asset tokenization, enabling seamless liquidity across traditionally fragmented off-chain asset classes. Through a network of public and private blockchains, a new paradigm for value exchange and settlement is emerging, accommodating tokenized versions of bank deposits, government debt, equities, commodities, and private credit. This layer serves as a unified source of trust for both digital and physical assets, with each asset finding its digital counterpart in the realm of on-chain representation.

The on-chain RWA ecosystem thrives on significant advancements in multi-chain DeFi infrastructure, which offer a secure, efficient, and standardized settlement layer for emerging digital assets. These innovations are pivotal in decentralizing the backend of traditional financial markets and removing costly intermediaries, paving the way for a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem.

At Finoa, we're particularly excited about our role in enabling innovative use cases within this space. By leveraging our expertise in blockchain technology and digital asset custody, we're dedicated to 1) empowering projects that harness the potential of RWA tokenization and 2) connecting institutional investors with this emerging world, bridging the gap between TradFi and on-chain enabled finance.

Partner spotlight: Centrifuge

Centrifuge is a leading on-chain protocol and long-term partner of Finoa, reshaping asset financing and tokenization. Each investment pool is anchored by a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), separating the asset originator's business from financing operations, safeguarding assets from bankruptcy risks. In case of default, the pool issuer handles capital recovery, converting recovered funds to stablecoins for distribution to token holders. Centrifuge provides both the infrastructure and ecosystem to tokenize, manage, and invest into a complete, diversified portfolio of real-world assets. Via FinoaConnect, Finoa customers are able to custody their investments in RWA pools on Centrifuge, with Finoa's compliant and institutional-grade custody service.

Interested in learning more?

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