Today we announce our integration with Audius, the decentralized community and audio streaming platform that directly connects artists and fans to share and discover content. The integration will see Finoa act as custodian to the Audius Foundation, managing their token treasury and allowing institutions to invest and stake the native $AUDIO token on Finoa’s fully-regulated platform. With Audius’ Web3 technology powered by the Ethereum and Solana blockchains, the integration provides further evidence of Finoa’s continued commitment to work with the Ethereum community and ecosystem.  

As a decentralized community and music platform, Audius democratizes the music industry, giving artists the opportunity to define their own monetization structure, allowing them to earn native $AUDIO tokens as they contribute and curate content. As full custodian of the Audius Foundation, Finoa has been able to meet large institutions’ reliability and security requirements and offer fully compliant institutional staking of the $AUDIO token, at scale. 

Finoa provides curated access to exciting projects in the crypto ecosystem, enabling institutional investors and token holders to participate through its fully regulated and secure platform. Its user-friendly native staking experience ensures optimal capital efficiency for crypto-asset holdings, and detailed reporting tools help meet the compliance needs of enterprise-grade clients. 

Commenting on the partnership, Co-Founder & Co-CEO Henrik Gebbing said: 

“We are very pleased to be announcing this partnership with Audius and look forward to working more closely with great founders in Roneil and Forrest. As custodian of their treasury, we can continue to bridge the gap between institutions and exciting Web3 technologies, and our platform will allow Audius to attract more institutional investment into their ecosystem, and offer institutions a fully-regulated staking experience that is easy to understand.”

Roneil Rumburg, Co-Founder & CEO of Audius, adds:

 "As a decentralized community and discovery platform, Audius is working to empower our users with new channels to communicate and collaborate directly. This integration with Finoa will allow larger and more professional users to easily stake their $AUDIO to help power the network."

About Audius

Audius is a music community and discovery platform that puts the artist in control. For the first time, artists and their fans can find, communicate, and collaborate with each other directly. Artists are no longer reliant on middlemen to share their music and discover new fans, creating a new music economy for a new generation. CEO Roneil Rumburg and CPO Forrest Browning, both life-long music fans, successful tech entrepreneurs, and crypto enthusiasts, co-founded Audius in February 2018.